Option MDE: (Nano)Materials, Devices and Energy
- Responsable : Bertrand Lenoir (bertrand.lenoir@univ-lorraine.fr)
- Societal challenges : Energie, Ressources, Environnement
- Keywords : matériaux fonctionnels, semi-conducteur, conversion d’énergie, dispositifs, surfaces et interfaces, céramiques, nanomatériaux, nanotechnologies
Current high-tech devices used in many sectors of the economy (energy, transport, semiconductors, building, information and communication technology, etc.) call on materials or nanomaterials with specific functional properties (electrical, thermal, dielectric, magnetic, optical, etc.).
Designing and developing such materials requires an understanding of the material at the most basic level using modern physics tools. The objectives of the MDE option are to expose the phenomena and concepts necessary for this understanding, but also to provide the student engineer with the basics of the techniques and processes for the manufacture of emerging devices in the field of energy or information.
- Recommended S8 courses
- Recommended S9 courses
- Multiscale mechanics
- Devices at different length-scales
- Modeling at the atomic and molecular scales
- Micro-nanodispositifs piézoélectriques et acoustiques
- Avancées récentes des capteurs et micro-nanotechnologie
- Marchés de l’énergie et de l’environnement